英文: It is a capital ship so is limited to low sec (0.0 - 0.4) and has touse a jump drive and a gang mate with a cynosural field to move betweensystems.
中文: 这玩意是旗舰啊大哥,和其他旗舰一样,需要同伴的诱导力场帮助她在低安全区(0.0-0.4)内跳跃。
英文: The powerful Carrier-class of capital ship encompasses eight of the largest ships currently available to pod-pilots.
中文: 强大的航空母舰级别旗舰包括八艘超大型的可操控舰船。
英文: Will the mining capital ship have a bonus tomining ganglinks, like the command ships do? ie. 3% increase ineffectiveness of all mining ganglinks?
中文: 采矿母舰是否和指挥船一样,对采矿团队模块有效力加成呢?