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full amount

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英文: Article 28 Those who donate to governments Antiquities or Historic Sites that have cultural value may itemize such donations as deductions or expenses in full amount according to Item 2, Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1 of Article 17, or Item 1 of Article 36 o

中文: 第28条以具有文化资产价值之文物、古迹捐赠政府者,得依所得税法第十七条第一项第二款第二目及第三十六条第一款规定列举扣除或列为当年度之费用,不受金额之限制。        更详细...
英文: Either Party A or Party B (based on the requirements of the insurance organization, if both Parties shall purchase insurance, then Party A shall do so) shall purchase insurance in full amount from insurance agencies of China, based on the coverage, amount

中文: 甲方或乙方(视保险机构的要求而定,如果双方都可以投保,则由甲方投保)应依据双方认为适当的险别、保险金额和保险条款,对本项目的设备资产或本项目资产向中国的保险机构进行全额投保。        更详细...
英文: In case of termination of the contract, the Insurer shall remain entitled to require the Insured to pay the full amount of the premium in arrears and the interest due hereon before the contract is terminated.

中文: 保险方如果终止合同,对终止合同前投保方欠交的保险费及利息,仍有权要求投保方如数交足。        更详细...
英文: In the case that any foreign-invested real estate enterprise fails to contribute full amount of registered capital, or fails to obtain the Permit to Use State-Owned Land, or fails to invest over 35%, inclusive, of the total investment in developing an est

中文: 七)外商投资房地产企业注册资本金未全部缴付的,未取得(《国有土地使用证》的,或开发项目资本金未达到项目投资总额35%的,不得办理境内、境外贷款,外汇管理部门不予批准该企业的外汇借款结汇。        更详细...
英文: In the event that damage is caused and is irrevocable by insurance, the Sub-Contractor shall reimburse the Employer or other affected contractors/sub-contractors to the full amount of the remedial work.

中文: 一旦造成损失且不能通过保险挽回,分包商应向雇主或其他受影响的承包商或分包商全额赔偿补救性施工的费用。        更详细...

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