英文: An England call-up for the son of a Bolton fanatic and a Welsh mother became inevitable.
中文: 对于这名博尔顿狂热者与他的威尔士妻子生的儿子来说,来自英格兰的召唤变得近在咫尺。
英文: By the letter of the regulations, a player who doesn't answer an international call-up could face a suspension from domestic football.
中文: 依据规章制度,一个不接受征召的队员将面临国内禁赛。
英文: Evans, currently on loan at Belgian side Royal Antwerp, was a late call-up to the squad by boss Lawrie Sanchez as the Irish boss looked to make changes in defence following the team's 3-0 defeat to Iceland on Saturday.
中文: 伊万斯目前被租借到比利时的皇家安顿普特,在周六北爱尔兰0:3输给冰岛后,主教练桑切斯决定召入伊万斯以改善后防线状态。
英文: Khalid Boulahrouz receives his first call-up for Holland as a Chelsea player.
中文: 布拉鲁兹在转会到切尔西以后第一次入选了国家队。
英文: Please look out for a blue flag of “Tian Di Sports” indicating the call-up place by then.
中文: 届时将有一面“天地球协”的蓝色小旗指明集合地点,请留意。