英文: [b]BUILDING SERVICE COTRACTORS[/b]JohnsonDiversey has long been a leader in helping BSC's simplify their work and improve their efficiency, cleaning all types of commercial, industrial and residential buildings, floor to ceiling from the front door to the
中文: 庄臣泰华施长期以来一直是楼宇保洁公司最佳的合作伙伴,帮助他们简化工作,提高效率,为各种类型的商业、工业和住宅大楼提供保洁服务-从底面至屋顶,从前厅至装货区。
英文: “A major and very successful development in the early years was the establishment in 1976 of the novel Industrial Centre for providing comprehensive professional and technological training of Polytechnic students.
中文: 理工)学院早期最重要及最成功的建设,莫过于成立意念非常创新的工业中心。
英文: “Coal Ash China”disseminates policies and rules for fly ash and industrial solid wastes recycling, presenting new achievements in research,design, production, construction, education and management in related aspects, exchanging and discussing advanced ex
中文: 来上海的粉煤灰<粉煤灰》主要宣传粉煤灰及工业固体废物再生利用的政策、法规;介绍有关方面的科研、设计、生产、施工、教学、管理的新成果;交流、讨论国内外先进经验和技术;报道最新的科技动态和成果。
英文: “Power house” industrial chillers are perfect assistants for industry machinery due to the stable performance, strong cooling capacity, pretty appearance, simple installation and easy maintenance.
中文: 力源牌工业冷水机是工业机械的理想配套设备,该产品具有性能稳定、冷量强劲、外观美观、小巧玲珑、安装简单和维修方便等优点。
英文: “The Development of Taiwan's Electronics Industry”, Industrial Policy, Innovation and Economic Growth: The Experience of Japan and the Asian NIEs, Poh-Kam Wong and Chee-Yuen Ng (eds.), 245-282, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2001 (with Tain-Jy Che
中文: 「台湾人造纤维的发展与特色:一个迎头赶上的过程」,经济成长所得分配与制度演化,页149-187,曹添旺、赖景昌、杨建成主编,台北:中央研究院人文及社会科学研究所,民国88年(与徐美合著)。