英文: Currently the PLA ground force officers wear the Type 87 service uniforms, which consist of an army-green coat, a pair of army-green trousers, a service cap (combination cap), and a pair of black shoes.
中文: 现行的解放军地面部队身着87式军装,由陆军绿外套,一条陆军绿裤子,一顶大沿帽,一对黑色皮鞋组成。
英文: Ice sheets that derived from an ice cap centered on northern Scandinavia reached southward to Central Europe.
中文: 冰原自环绕北斯堪的纳维亚的冰帽向南一直延伸到中欧。
英文: In the regulation practice of natural monopoly industry, the western countries have adopted various incentive regulation forms, such as price cap regulation, social contract system, franchise bidding regulation and yardstick competition regulation.
中文: 西方国家在自然垄断产业的规制实践中,采用了多种多样的激励性规制形式,如价格上限规制、社会契约制度、特许投标规制、标尺竞争规制等。
英文: Officers wear a service cap (combination cap) with a black visor and a red crown.
中文: 军官的大沿帽带有黑色帽沿和红色饰带。
英文: Phoenix will land in icy soils near the north polar permanent ice cap of Mars and explore the history of the water in these soils and any associated rocks, while monitoring polar climate.
中文: 凤凰号将于2007年8月发射.这照片,飞船着陆后专门通过扇面圆形太阳能阵列获得电力.这个可以使飞船工作得更久.凤凰号将会在火星的北极地区着陆,在那里探测是否有可以利用的水,和监测火星的极地气候。