英文: Cautions during transportation: Stored in the dry warehouse, keep from rain, poisonous substance.
中文: 运输储存注意事项:小心存放,保持干燥,避免受潮,雨淋,有毒物质。
英文: Do not store in direct sun an area where the temperature can exceed 140 F keep from freezing.
中文: 避免阳光直射,不要置于温度超过华氏140度的地方,避免冰冻。
英文: Even Confucius, as kind and affectionate as he was, couldn't keep from giving him such a round scolding, which goes to show how ugly it is to sit with one's legs spread apart.
中文: 像孔子这样有情有义的人,都忍不住要骂人骂得这麽难听,可见箕踞而坐,是说多难看就有多难看了!
英文: Everyone must fight as hard as he can just to stay in the same place —— to keep from being left behind.
中文: 每个人都在为自己能保持住原有的生活水平——不至于被社会抛弃而需作出艰难的抗争。
英文: For example, an elephant's four tree trunk-like legs keep its center of mass over its feet, while T. rex would have had to balance its mass differently over its two small legs, bending them to keep from toppling over.
中文: 比如,大象的树干般的四条腿能让它的质心保持在腿上,而暴龙必须通过将让它们弯曲以避免摔倒,而用不同地方式在两条腿上保持平衡。