英文: For whatever reason, they were still hanging out on the Antarctic continent,Case said in a statement.
中文: “无论是什么原因,它们确实一直在南极大陆上生活,”凯斯在一份声明中说。
英文: A plane carrying equipment for an Antarctic naval base will take the penguins to Brazil's southernmost region next month, an air force spokesman said on Monday.
中文: 巴西空军部队的一名发言人周一(7月31日)表示,一架运送南极海军基地物资的飞机将把这些企鹅送往巴西的最南端。
英文: Adelie penguins live on the Antarctic continent and on many small, surrounding coastal islands. They spend the winter offshore in the seas surrounding the Antarctic pack ice.
中文: 阿德利企鹅生活在南极大陆和周边许多小岛上。整个冬天他们都会在南极冰盖周围的海上度过。
英文: After all, what other city has everything from sheep competitions to Antarctic snowmobiles?
中文: 毕竟,其他城市能从绵羊比赛到“哈格鲁特”雪上汽车向游客提供的一切所需吗?
英文: Although global warming could result in rising sea levels from melting ice, particularly ice covering Greenland, Bindschadler says global warming is not a factor in these lakes underneath the Antarctic ice sheet.
中文: 虽然地球暖化的结果使冰--特别是覆盖格陵兰的冰溶解,导致海平面上升,但是宾兹查德勒说,地球暖化和南极冰层下面的湖泊并没有关系。