英文: Article 21 Specific measures for the division of items for revenue and expenditure between the central budget and the local budget, the turning over of revenues by the local governments to the Central Government and the refunding of revenues or the grant
中文: 第二十一条中央预算与地方预算有关收入和支出项目的划分、地方向中央上解收入、中央对地方返还或者给予补助的具体办法,由国务院规定,报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。
英文: At intervals, while turning over the leaves of my book, I studied the aspect of that winter afternoon.
中文: 只见远方白茫茫一片云雾,近处湿漉漉一块草地和受风雨袭击的灌木。
英文: For the first time, this drama use the history art to trace the difficult experience when chinese was turning over the emperor system and heading to republic, this drama is tracing his history of the 80 years before the China Communist Party has been set
中文: 本剧是中国影视作品第一次以史诗般的艺术笔触全景式地呈现了中华民族推翻帝制、走向共和这一波澜壮阔的艰难历程,气势恢弘地再现了甲午海战、戊戍变法、庚子国变、立宪新政、辛亥革命、隆裕退位、缔造共和等重大历史事件,精心刻画了封建统治者丧权辱国、社会战乱不断、国家积弱积贫、人民饥寒交迫等血笨祖漫}辱历史卷轴;浓墨重彩地勾勒了晚清封建统治的腐朽以及无数民族精英、仁人志士前赴后继寻找救国救民出路的斗争和探索历程。
英文: Mr Smith was idly turning over a magazine, the bell rang.
中文: 当史密斯先生正随便翻阅一本杂志时,铃声响了。
英文: Mr. Levin said, in addition to political steps, coalition forces must also speed the process of turning over security to newly trained Iraqi forces.
中文: 莱文参议员说,除了政治措施以外,联军还必须加快把安全防务工作移交给新培训的伊拉克部队的进程。