英文: 130 let us draft a resolution about it.
中文: 让我们为此起草一项决议。
英文: [KEY] The resolution to this dilemma rests on the assumption that it is better to attempt to help an injured person—albeit with insufficient medical knowledge—than to do nothing and leave the injured person to nature.
中文: (例子)解决这个困境的方案是基于以下假设,尽管凭着不充分的医疗知识,但是尝试救助一个病员总好过袖手旁观,任其自生自灭。
英文: [Telemeters 5 analog signals (8-bit resolution) and 8 digital bits of data.
中文: 5个模拟信号遥测仪(8位解象度)并且8数字式位元资料。
英文: “Given that the average digital camera user does not demand resolutions upwards to 5 megapixels, continued falls in component prices are allowing low-cost camera makers to pick up market share from the established brands.
中文: “考虑到一般数位相机使用者并不需要五百万像素以上的解析度,相机零件的价位持续下降,让低价相机制造商得以从知名品牌手上取得市场占有率。”
英文: 【NOTICE】This is not an official wallpapers collection, so the images are unequal in aspect ratio and resolution.
中文: 这不是一套官方的壁纸,所以这些图片在纵横比上都不统一。