white paper
英文: As a foreign affairs adivsor to the president, the first thing to do in his new job was to draft a white paper explaining the government's position concerning the crisis in Beirut.
中文: (担任总统外交事务顾问,他上任第一件事是起草一份白皮书表明有关贝鲁特危机的政府立场。)
英文: As a foreign affairs advisor to the president, the first thing to do in his new job was to draft a white paper explaining the government's position concerning the crisis in Beirut.
中文: (担任总统外交事务顾问,他上任第一件事是起草一份白皮书表明有关贝鲁特危机的政府立场。)
英文: In a white paper entitled “Reap Rewards with an Efficient E-procurement Strategy,” you learn about the big picture issues of setting up an e-procurement system as well as specific steps.
中文: 在题为“有效的电子商务策略所带来的丰硕成果”的白皮书中,你可以了解到建立一套电子商务实施体系和具体步骤的宏伟蓝图。
英文: In a white paper it publishes every two years, the Defe e Ministry says it believes North Korea has about 50 kilograms of plutonium -- 30 kilograms of it obtained during the past three years.
中文: 韩国国防部在每两年发表一次的白皮书中说,它相信北韩拥有大约50公斤的金属钸,其中30公斤在过去3年期间获得。
英文: In a white paper it publishes every two years, the Defense Ministry says it believes North Korea has about 50 kilograms of plutonium -- 30 kilograms of it obtained during the past three years.
中文: 韩国国防部在每两年发表一次的白皮书中说,它相信朝鲜拥有大约50公斤的金属钚,其中30公斤在过去3年期间获得。