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*['mɑ:stәmaind];n. 优秀策划者, 才子;vt. 指导, 主持, 策划;

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*['mɑ:stәmaind]\nn. 优秀策划者, 才子\nvt. 指导, 主持, 策划\n【法】 具有极大才智的人, 出谋划策的人

英文: We now know that in October 2001, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11th attacks, had already set in motion a plan to have terrorist operatives hijack an airplane using shoe bombs to breach the cockpit door and fly the plane into the

中文: 布什总统说:“我们现在知道,2001年10月,9/11事件的策划者--卡利德.谢克.穆罕默德已经启动一项计划,让恐怖分子劫持一架飞机,使用鞋子炸弹来炸开驾驶舱的门,再把飞机撞上西海岸最高的摩天大楼。”        更详细...
英文: A mastermind alliance it built of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common definite object.

中文: 智囊团是由两个或两个以上的人,以和谐的态度和主动积极的精神,为共同目标齐心努力的团体。        更详细...
英文: Create a mastermind alliance with others dedicated to the principles of success.Discuss your progress and insights and gain the benefit of a much wider range of experience.Always keep these meeting on a positive plane.

中文: 和其他献身于成功原则的人组成智囊团,讨论你们的进程,并从更宽广的经验中获取好处,务必以积极面作为基础进行讨论。        更详细...
英文: Developed in collaboration with franchise mastermind Koji Igarashi (aka IGA), the game breathes new life into the Belmont family bloodline with fresh adventures, characters and perils.

中文: 由特约的五十岚策划,游戏将为贝尔蒙特家族的家族带来新的冒险,包括角色本身和他们所面临的危险。        更详细...
英文: Everyone remembers the picture: Khalid Sheik Mohammed, mastermind of Sept. 11, looking not like the “James Bond of al-Qaida ”but more like someone shaken out of bed in the middle of the night, hair disheveled, his T-shirt stained, forlorn and knowing his

中文: 谁都忘不了哈立德·谢赫·穆罕默德照片中的样子:这个策划911恐怖袭击事件的首脑,根本就不是传说中007式的基地组织人物,反倒象个睡到半夜突然被惊醒的家伙,头发蓬乱,T恤衫污迹斑斑,一副知道自己末日即将来临的愁苦之相。        更详细...

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