英文: A UN Satellite committee and non-lethal weapons inspectors.
中文: 一个联合国卫星委员会和非致命性武器监察官。
英文: Active Denial Technology is a breakthrough non-lethal technology that uses millimeter-wave electromagnetic energy to stop, deter and turn back an advancing adversary from relatively long range.
中文: 主动拒止技术是远距离使用毫米波电磁能以阻止、延缓和挡回前进之敌的一项突破性非杀伤技术。
英文: Alan Zelicoff, a senior scientist at Sandia National Laboratories, remarks that “it might be nice to have something other than high-speed lead, chemical explosives and other lethal means to quell riots or even deny terrorists their targets.
中文: 美国山迪亚国家实验室的资深科学家泽利科夫说︰「不靠高速子弹、化学爆裂物等致命方法,而用其他方法来镇压暴动乃至不让恐怖份子得逞,这未尝不是件好事。」
英文: Although no two mind-blades look alike, all share the same lethal qualities.
中文: 尽管没有两名魂刃者的念刃外观相同,但它们都同样致命。
英文: [ENSTR]=JW33 fragmentation grenade. Cast iron construction with raised waffle pattern.? Granular TNT filler provides for a powerful, highly lethal blast radius.
中文: JW33爆裂榴弹。带有发泡网格花纹的铸铁质地。由颗粒状的TNT填充,爆炸半径很大,极具杀伤力。