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[ENSTR]=JW33 fragmentation grenade. Cast iron construction with raised waffle pattern.? Granular TNT filler provides for a powerful, highly lethal blast radius.

[EN: Everyday you will meet with lots of doors from which you could select some to enter in. 每天你都会跟许多人擦肩而过,有些人可能会变成朋友,有些变成知已,所以我从不放过可以跟大家磨擦的机会。
[ENSTR]=ALISTER: I must say I'm impressed, Lara. 我得说这实在让我难忘(还是“印象深刻”?),劳拉。
[ENSTR]=AMANDA: Now step aside and let my friend retrieve the sword fragment. 现在闪一边去,让我的朋友来拿这个碎片。
[ENSTR]=Are you sure you want to delete the selected save file? 您确定要删除选定的存档文件吗?
[ENSTR]=Complete Bolivia to unlock this door and explore Croft Manor. 完成玻利维亚任务以开启这扇门并探索克劳馥庄园。
[ENSTR]=JW33 fragmentation grenade. Cast iron construction with raised waffle pattern.? Granular TNT filler provides for a powerful, highly lethal blast radius. JW33爆裂榴弹。带有发泡网格花纹的铸铁质地。由颗粒状的TNT填充,爆炸半径很大,极具杀伤力。
[ENSTR]=LARA: I know it impresses me. 我知道它让我印象深刻。
[ENSTR]=LARA: It's the castle where Lancelot sought the Holy Grail. 那是城堡的名字。兰斯洛特在那里找到了圣杯。
[ENSTR]=LARA: Now I suppose it's time to work out how to leave this monastery. 我想现在是时候想办法离开这个修道院了。
[ENSTR]=LARA: Oh, you're going to find me extremely credulous today. 噢,你会发现我今天特容易轻信别人。
[ENSTR]=LARA: She's a lovely pre-Incan civilization, currently in ruins. 她是一个迷人的前印加文明城镇,现在成了遗迹。

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