英文: A joint communique of truce was issued on June 5 that year.
中文: 一名热情的年轻译员陪伴着他。
英文: In his toast,Deng Xiaoping said:The Shanghai Joint Communique is a unique international document.
中文: 邓小平在祝酒辞中说:“上海联合公报是一个独特的国际文件。
英文: On October 12,1954, Mao Zedong and Nikita Khrushchov and other leaders of China and the Soviet Union attended a signing ceremony in Beijing for a joint communique concerning the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from the Lushun naval base and the sole admin
中文: 毛泽东和赫鲁晓夫等中苏两国政府领导人出席1954年10月12日在北京拟定的《中苏关于苏联军队自共同使用的中国旅顺口海军根据地撤退并将该根据地交由中华人民共和国完全支配的联合公报》的签字仪式。