英文: But United boss Ferguson fears Rooney could aggravate the injury by attempting a comeback too soon.
中文: 但是曼联的老板弗格森害怕鲁尼会由于太想尽早归队而加重伤势。
英文: Don't aggravate me, child.
中文: 孩子,不要惹我生气。
英文: Imbalance between eastern and western regions in economic development, not only seriously obstacles to the harmonious development of China's national economy as a whole, but also easily leads to even aggravate contradictions, and it also runs counter to t
中文: 东西部地区经济发展失衡,不仅严重阻碍了我国整个国民经济的和谐发展,还易于引发甚至加剧各种矛盾,而且这也与共同富裕的社会主义目标相违背。
英文: The ECMA committee that has stewardship over the language is developing extensions which, while well intentioned, will aggravate one of the language's biggest problems: There are already too many versions.
中文: ECMA委员会,这门语言的管家,正在对它进行扩展,也在蓄意恶化它最大的问题:有太多的版本。
英文: The Society for Community Organisation says an estimated three thousand ex-mental patients are living in caged apartments. Poor living conditions hinder rehabilitation and aggravate the problems faced by these people.
中文: 社区组织协会估计,全港大约有三千名精神病康复者,居住在笼屋。环境恶劣的居所,影响他们的康复,增加病发机会。