英文: Since the first tetraploid was obtained in 1939, polyploidy breeding has always been the focus of watermelon breeding.
中文: 从1939年获得第一个四倍体西瓜以来,多倍体育种就一直是西瓜育种的一个热点。
英文: Such a gamete may be produced by tetraploid tissues, or it may be the result of faulty meiosis.
中文: 这样的配子可能是通过四倍体组织或者是错误的减数分裂产生的。
英文: Two diploid gametes may fuse to give a tetraploid zygote, or gamete may develop directly by parthenogenesis.
中文: 两个二倍体配子融合可能产生一个四倍体合子,这样的配子也可以通过孤雌生殖直接发育而来。
英文: The average paring form of tetraploid was . 77IV + . 8III+. II +. 09 I at diakinesis and . IV+. III+. 7 II+. 0 I at metaphase I. The equilibriumsegregation was also prevailing at anaphase I. The absolute majority gametes had chromosomes.
中文: 同源四倍体终变期染色体平均联会型为.77Ⅳ+.8Ⅲ+.Ⅱ+.09Ⅰ,中期Ⅰ染色体平均联会型为.Ⅳ+.Ⅲ+.7Ⅱ+.0Ⅰ,后期Ⅰ染色体是以均衡分离为主,绝大多数形成n=的整倍性配子。
英文: tibetica from western Xizang were tetraploid (n=) with large corolla.
中文: 西藏西部的西藏秦艽均为四倍体(n=),花冠较大。