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The average paring form of tetraploid was . 77IV + . 8III+. II +. 09 I at diakinesis and . IV+. III+. 7 II+. 0 I at metaphase I. The equilibriumsegregation was also prevailing at anaphase I. The absolute majority gametes had chromosomes.

Roots of haploid seedlings were soaked for h, h, 8 h, using .0mmol/L Colchicines and 0μmol/L Oryzalin sulutions with % dimethyl surtoxide (DMSO) respectively; 以添加%的二甲基亚砜(DMSO)的.0mmol/L的秋水仙碱、0μmol/L Oryzalin溶液分别设置h、h、8h处理;
Stapedial gusher was found in cases with inner ear malformations, especially those with Mondini malformation, much more frequently than among the patients with other malformations. 内耳畸形人工耳蜗术中容易出现“镫井喷” ,其中Mondini畸形术中出现“镫井喷”的现象比其他畸形多见 ;
The HMMs’ parameters are further trained by the method of iterative learning from a large data set; 通过迭代学习的方法在大样本下进一步训练这些隐马尔可夫模型参数;
The abnormality of accumulated and degenerated callose; 小孢子形成过程中胼胝质的积累与降解异常;
The appearance of breast cancer on MSCT demonstrated irregular shape(/), ill-defined margins(/), calcification( /), lymph nodule metastases (7/) and tumor supplied blood vessel(/). 乳腺恶性肿瘤例,主要MSCT表现为:肿块形态不规则(/):边缘呈不规则(/);
The average paring form of tetraploid was . 77IV + . 8III+. II +. 09 I at diakinesis and . IV+. III+. 7 II+. 0 I at metaphase I. The equilibriumsegregation was also prevailing at anaphase I. The absolute majority gametes had chromosomes. 同源四倍体终变期染色体平均联会型为.77Ⅳ+.8Ⅲ+.Ⅱ+.09Ⅰ,中期Ⅰ染色体平均联会型为.Ⅳ+.Ⅲ+.7Ⅱ+.0Ⅰ,后期Ⅰ染色体是以均衡分离为主,绝大多数形成n=的整倍性配子。
The fireman must be in the upstream areas. 火灾得救援位置必须在火源上游。
The lacquer understratum is only 0.mm-0.mm in thickness, and the superficial coat is painted with the mixture of pigment and lacquer. 以生漆作为底层,厚度有0.mm-0.mm,在生漆层上刷有一层生漆与颜料的混合物;
The morphlogical differences in genera, subgenera and species arenot only reflected in the characreristics of tergum IX and spiculum gastrale, whichare associated with the genital musculature. 不仅在外生殖器的结构上,在属,亚属和种间存在着明显差异,与外生殖器肌肉相联系的腹部第IX节背板和沟状小针突亦表现如此;
The myoneme cross sectional area(CSA)of the 0th andth diabetic groups were lower than the0th and th control groups(P<0.0),the myoneme CSA of diabetic group in week 0 was lower than it in week (P<0.0); CSA在0周、周实验组较对照组降低(P<0.0),分别较周前实验组降低(P<0.0),周实验组较对照组降低无统计学意义(P>0.0);
The proliferative index (PI) of pulmonary arteria and myocardium was significantly higher in group B and C than that in group A. B组、C组大鼠肺动脉和右心肌细胞增殖指数(PI)均分别明显高于A组,而C组明显低于B组。

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