英文: Adult prevalence rates swing erratically, from a staggering 38.8 percent in Botswana to less than 1 percent in Senegal.
中文: 成年人的爱滋病盛行率因地而异,从波札那的38.8%到塞内加尔的低于1%不等。
英文: And they should look not to China, but to Chile or Botswana for examples of how to turn natural bounty into shared prosperity.
中文: 它们也不应该以中国为榜样,而是应该向智利或博茨瓦纳学习如何将丰厚的自然资源转为全社会共同繁荣。
英文: As mentioned before, bots are often securedby some sensitive information, e.g. channel name or server password.
中文: 如上所述,僵尸工具一般被敏感信息所保护,比如频道名字或者服务器密码。
英文: At least one of every two 15-year-old boys in Kenya, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana is on track to die of AIDS.
中文: 在肯尼亚、津巴布韦和博茨瓦纳15岁的男孩每两个人中就有一个将会死于爱滋病。
英文: Beef and goat are the most popular meats in Botswana, while sorghum and maize are the main grains eaten.
中文: 牛肉与山羊肉是波札那人最喜爱的肉类,高梁与玉蜀黍则为主食。