英文: In order to rectify problems like poverty resulted from disease inflictions or no medicare insurances, etc, the central governments began in 2003 experimenting the new rural medical cooperative system in the pilot regions.
中文: 摘要为了解决近些年来农民因病致(返)贫、长期得不到医疗保障等一系列问题,中央政府从2003年开始在全国试点推行新型农村合作医疗制度。
英文: This article analyzes the main characteristics of forest corporative system and its present situation of development, and then, on the basis this analysis, discusses the reference of forest cooperative system for improving share-holding integrated tenure
中文: 文章分析了森林组合的主要特征及其发展现状的特点,在此基础上,探讨了森林组合制度对我国南方集体林业股份合作制改善的借鉴作用。