In order to recognize and commemorate the shared experiences of both the United States and China during the Second World War, a prestigious group of retired military officers, government officials and distinguished veteran aviators have joined together to
为了承认和纪念在“二战”中美两国的共有经历,一个由已退休的军事官员的团体、政府官员和杰出的老飞行员一起参加创立了“美中航空历史遗产基金会”。 |
In order to reconstruct harmonious society, it is necessary to correctly guide youth subculture with advanced culture that is dominated by Marxism.
所以应该用以马克思主义为指导的先进文化引导青年亚文化积极、健康地成长,消解青年亚文化的消极作用,构建和谐社会。 |
In order to recover energy in automobile suspension, a reclaiming energy suspension able to reclaim the vibrating energy and reduce vibration is proposed and operation theories of several kinds of reclaiming energy device are analyzed in this paper.
摘要为了回收汽车车轴与簧载质量间的振动能量,提出一种既可以改善汽车的行驶平顺性又可以回收振动能量的悬架,称之为馈能型悬架。 |
In order to recover money got with sweat and toil for the year, at about 10:00 on December 13, 2006,in the front door of construction market transaction center which is located in south road of Shandong university Jinan City, a dozen migrant rural workers
为追讨一年的血汗钱,2006年12月13日上午10点左右,在位于济南市山大南路上的建设市场交易中心门前,十几位农民工手持各种收据和合同,一边在寒风中不住地跺着脚,一边向人们讲述着他们在讨薪路上的种种艰辛:30多岁的王代阳是来自济南长清区万德镇的农民,经朋友介绍于2005年1月份开始,接下了济南市将军小区12号住宅楼的工程,去年4月份交工,前前后后共有500多名农民工在此干活。 |
In order to recruit real talents,
为了招纳真正的人才, |
In order to rectify problems like poverty resulted from disease inflictions or no medicare insurances, etc, the central governments began in 2003 experimenting the new rural medical cooperative system in the pilot regions.
摘要为了解决近些年来农民因病致(返)贫、长期得不到医疗保障等一系列问题,中央政府从2003年开始在全国试点推行新型农村合作医疗制度。 |
In order to redeem our customers, the k buffet is free of charge, and we provide more than 60 types of food with hotel quality standard.
为了回馈我们的顾客,我们的自助餐均是免费送给顾客享用,食物款式达六十款以上,绝对可以比美酒店的水准。 |
In order to reduce cases of iron-deficiency anaemia in babies, since 1969 the American Academy of Pediatrics has made strong recommendations that all infant formula be iron-fortified and given to baby from birth to 12 months, or until he is getting enough
为了降低缺铁性贫血在宝宝中间的得病率,从1969年开始美国儿科学会强烈推荐所有的婴儿配方奶为强化铁配方奶,并且从出生开始直到12个月(或者直到他可以从食物中获取足够的铁为止)都使用强化铁配方奶。 |
In order to reduce forest destruction, Company utilizes re-cycled fibred material and scientific production options, both appearance and internal all achieve overseas same productions standards.
为了尽可能的减少森林资源砍伐,我们使用再生纤维,采用科学方法制造的擦拭系列产品,无论外观还是内在特性均达到国外同类产品标准。 |
In order to reduce friction, the moving parts of a machine are often oiled.
为了减少摩擦,机器的可动部件常常涂上润滑油。 |
In order to reduce harmful byproducts in the process, the technology of microwave-inducing catalysis is prompted to replace conventional fuel method for heating function.
即在氧烛配方中舍弃燃料,而使用外加的微波作为氯酸盐分解的热源。 |