英文: 10 October, China Telecom and the State Administration of Meteorology signed in Beijing the Memorandum of Strategic Cooperation, formally establishing strategic cooperative and partner relations between the two parties.
中文: 10月10日中国电信与中国气象局在北京正式签署全面战略合作备忘录,双方正式结成战略合作伙伴关系。
英文: [Cooperative methods] Sole investment, Joint venture, Cooperation.
中文: 独资、合资、合作。
英文: [Cooperative methods]Joint venture, cooperation, stock development .
中文: 合资、合作、股份开发。
英文: “Some Main Characteristics of the Traditional Legal Culture of China”, 1989-90; “The Legal Modernization in China: A Cultural Survey”, 1990-91; “The Legal Character of Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Ventures”,1992; “Business Protection and the New Bankruptcy
中文: 《超越概念法学》(1995);《论重整制度》(1996);《中国消费者保护法上的欺诈行为与惩罚性赔偿》(1998);《企业拯救制度在中国的采用:比较概观》(1999);《产权的法律分析》(1999);《中国企业债务重组的替代方法研究》(2003);《让与担保在我国物权法中的地位》(2004);《探索造福农民的城市化模式》(2004);《新破产法草案与公司法人治理》(2005)。
英文: 【Abstract 】At the initial stages of postwar(after Second Word War), for the sake of maintaining of cooperative relations with USA in range of the Yalta System and safeguarding of soviet vested interests in Far East, Stalin adopted negative and distant att
中文: 战后初期,为了维持与美国在雅尔塔体系内确立的远东合作关系和保障苏联在远东的既得利益,斯大林对中共和中国革命采取了消极冷漠的态度和立场。