英文: In the future,we'll continue to make our efforts in life of Chian's national conditions will of Chinese people to actually providently and properly move forward the political restructruring and develop the socialist democracy.
中文: 今后,我们仍将根据中国的国情和中国人民的意愿,积极稳妥的推进政治体制改革,发展社会主义民主。
英文: The trim hedge, the grass-plot before the door, the little flower-bed bordered with snug box, the woodbine trained up against the wall, and hanging its blossoms about the lattice; the pot of flowers in the window; the holly, providently planted about the
中文: 宅前树篱齐整,绿草茵茵,花圃精巧,四周黄杨密植;忍冬缘墙而上,其花绽放,星星点点,缀于窗棂;窗台饰有盆花,居所四周植有冬青,聊以消解寒冬之孤寂,室内炉火熊熊,虽非夏日,宅前院后绿意浓浓,亦使居者倍感惬意;凡此种种,皆孕高雅之情趣,自绅士名流,至草根百姓,泽被万民。