scramble for
争夺, 勉强拼凑
英文: A wild duck saw this and mocked them, “All you nine heads tried to do is make food into one stomach, but why do you scramble for it?
中文: 一只野鸭看见了,耻笑它们说:“九张嘴吃食物,都是吃进一个肚子,你们为什么要互相争抢呢?”
英文: If most people have made the same bet (that risky assets will outperform and that volatility will stay low), there could be an almighty scramble for the exits when the trend changes.
中文: 如果大多数人都在同一个趋势上下注——风险资产将会出色表现,波动性保持低水平——当趋势改变的时候,很可能会出现极度慌张的局面,大家争抢着要逃出来。
英文: Some reason is that an Englishman Herd, the general customs commissioner at that moment is in inescapable responsibility, while Britain and France's scramble for China's postal power and the Qing government's decrepit are also the important reasons.
中文: 个中原因,时任海关总税务司的英国人赫德起着不可推卸的责任,而英法两国对中国邮权的争夺和清政府的昏聩无知也是其中的重要原因。
英文: The inexperienced young hopefuls were pushed aside in the scramble for places.
中文: 在求职竞争中,没有经验但年轻有为的人都给挤掉了。
英文: The counter-terrorism war in Afghanistan has been associated with U.S.'s scramble for oil in Central Asia and one of the main reasons to overthrow Saddam was associated with oil and therefore to further control of Saudi oil.
中文: 在阿富汗反恐与中亚石油争夺密切相关 ,“倒萨”与获得伊拉克石油和进一步控制沙特的石油相互联系 ;