图画, 照片, 景色
*['piktʃә]\nn. 图画, 照片, 景色, 美丽如画的人(或物), 化身, 生动的描述, 想像, 形象思维\nvt. 画, 拍摄, 用图说明, 描写, 想像\n【计】 图象; 形象; 字形\n【医】 图, 像, 照片\n相关词组:\n put sb in the picture\n paint a black picture of\n paint a rosy picture of\n be in the picture\n come into the picture\n out of the picture
英文: [size=+0]To get a truer picture of comparative values, compare the Dow to the price of gold[size=+0].
中文: 为了获取关于价值的更真实的图像,来比较道指和黄金的价格。
英文: “A motion picture doesn't have to look absolutely realistic, it can be beautiful and realistic at the same time.
中文: “一部影片不需要看起来绝对地真实,它可以同时既是美丽的而又是真实的。
英文: “Artists' Self-Portraits from the Uffizi” is at the Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, until July 15th.
中文: “乌菲齐美术馆艺术家自画像”在伦敦达利齐画廊的展览截止于7月15日.
英文: (It is urgent for the institute to e4xpanding its researching group when it involved much more field.The picture is that the institute is inviting those awarded person to join the institute.
中文: (随着上海市流通经济研究所研究领域的不断扩展,积极需要扩充研究队伍,图为上海市流通所正在聘请各大专院校的专业人士加入研究队伍。)
英文: (our lmperial moon cake box was desighned so you can create you own beautiful traditional picture as a reminder of Mid-Autumn day 2007 .Picture frame and all items required can be purchased at the hotel for 60RMB.
中文: 礼盒子正面为精致的丝绣效果画,配上画框将是一幅精美的装饰画,雷迪森特别定罐制了优质木质画框,售价为60元。)