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大头针, 针, 别针, 栓, 销子, 图钉

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*[pin]\nn. 大头针, 针, 别针, 栓, 销子, 图钉, 插头, 管脚, 品(液量单位)\nvt. 将...用针别住, 钉住, 压住, 牵制, 使不能动, 归罪于\na. 针的, 销子的, 闩的\n【医】 针, 钉\n相关词组:\n pin sb against the wall\n pin the theft on sb\n not care a pin\n not worth a pin\n pin down\n pin up\n pull the pin

英文: [bbe] Then Jael, Heber's wife, took a tent-pin and a hammer and went up to him quietly, driving the pin into his head, and it went through his head into the earth, for he was in a deep sleep from weariness; and so he came to his end.

中文: 西西拉疲乏沉睡.希百的妻雅亿、取了帐棚的橛子、手里拿著锤子、轻悄悄地到他旁边、将橛子从他鬓边钉进去、钉入地里.西西拉就死了。        更详细...
英文: [color=#0000ff]EXAMPLE:[/color] One old and experienced firm was able to underpin the investment management industry, but when its best analysts all chose to retire amid rumors of a scandal, the whole field started to fall apart.

中文: 一家历史悠久、经验丰富的公司可以支撑投资管理行业,但是当公司最好的分析师因为丑闻纷纷离职而去时,整个行业也开始分崩离析了。        更详细...
英文: “Beat that, Pooh,” laughed Tigger. “If without the blindfold, I will pin the tail in the right spot!” chuckled Pooh.

中文: “快钉啊,维尼!”跳跳虎指着维尼钉尾巴的地方,在一旁拍着手又叫又笑。“要是我不把眼睛蒙上,就能找对地方了!”维尼自己也大笑着说。        更详细...
英文: “I'm so scared to stay along in an airtight room.” I move close to him, pin him underneath.

中文: 「我害怕独自一人留在密闭空间里嘛!!」我向他挪近了些,将他压制在我身下。        更详细...
英文: (DDX auto pinning machine is used to make reference positioning pin prior to drill the laminated plates of etched circuit card on drill machine to ensure that the numerical controlled drill machine for etched circuit card can manufacture premium puoducts.

中文: DDX全自动钉销机用于印制电路叠层板在印制电路板数控钻孔前钻作基准定位销钉,从而保证印制电路板床能加工出高品质的产品。        更详细...

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