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in perspective

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英文: However, I believe that the most significant shift in perspective which accompanies the introduction of Quality is that long term success is given precedence over short term gains.

中文: 无论如何,我相信大多数重要质量观念的进步都伴随着这样的引言:短期盈利要为质量的长期成功让路。        更详细...
英文: It is in our wisdom to deeply meditate regularly on the goodness and greatness of God, so we can keep everything in perspective and have greater faith and trust.

中文: 明智之举是我们要常常深思神的伟大和慈爱,这样我们才能够事事正确,怀有更坚定的信仰信靠神。        更详细...
英文: It is this shift in perspective from the management to the workforce which is the most significant consequence of the search for quality.

中文: 这种从管理层到基层观念上的进步在企业对质量的探索中具有重要的意义。        更详细...
英文: It will deal with the change in perspective imposed by scientific ideas, the general loss of a supernatural or religious perspective upon human events, and the effects for good or ill of the increasing authority of an intelligence uninformed by religion a

中文: 本课程会处理的议题如下:科学想法所造成的观点转变、人类事物不再受超自然和宗教观点的影响、一个有智慧和无统整性的宗教当局,逐渐成为生活的指标,并对人类生活造成正面或负面的影响。        更详细...
英文: This class will cover part of chapter 10. You may want to go through chapter 8 for putting SVMs in perspective with respect to other techniques.

中文: 这堂课会讨论第10章的内容。若你想多了解其他技术的相关资料,可以参考书里第8章中支持向量机的详细叙述。        更详细...

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