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spring water

【化】 泉水

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英文: Article 22 Any person who extracts or uses hot spring water without a legitimate hot spring water right or mining right may be assessed a fine by the authority-in-charge of not less than NT$60,000 but not more than NT$300,000 and the authority-in-charge s

中文: 第22条未依法取得温泉水权或温泉矿业权而为温泉取用者,由主管机关处新台币六万元以上三十万元以下罚锾,并勒令停止利用;其不停止利用者,得按次连续处罚。        更详细...
英文: Article 8 Except for the purpose of hot spring development, any reclamation activity which significantly influences the volume of hot spring water discharged, temperatures, or mineral compositions, or any activity which has caused adverse impacts shall be

中文: 第8条非以开发温泉为目的之其他开发行为,如有显著影响温泉涌出量、温度或成分之虞或已造成实质影响者,直辖市、县(市)主管机关得会商其目的事业主管机关,并于权衡双方之利益后,由目的事业主管机关对该开发行为,为必要之限制或禁止,并对其开发行为之延误或其他损失,酌予补偿。        更详细...
英文: I ask how much on earth your gloomy mood is,you tell me it is just like the spring water in the river which floats to the east.

中文: 我认为,这句词是用了一个自问自答的形式,一个我问另一个我你的愁绪究竟有多深啊?另一个我回答说就像这一江春水向东流。所以翻译的时候应将其体现出来。        更详细...
英文: If You love her,you should treasure her heart,your lover is so pure. just like the lucid spring water winding form the mountains with forest.

中文: 如果你爱她,就要保护她的心,你的爱是那样纯洁,宛如苍翠山中清澈的泉水。        更详细...
英文: “Hot spring water right” means the authority to divert, extract and use hot spring water or to use beneficially pursuant to the Water Act.

中文: 二温泉水权:指依水利法对于温泉之水取得使用或收益之权。        更详细...

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