on suspicion
【法】 因受怀疑
英文: A Keelung cargo ship, including a crew of ten, en route to Mazo (Matsu) was hijacked by China's customs authority in Fujian early this morning on suspicion of smuggling.
中文: 一只鸡笼耶货运船《新华轮》今阿日透早驶去马祖路中船及十耶船员去乎中国掠水货耶挟船押去福建,理由是查裀走私。
英文: A Lithuanian held on suspicion of theft in an Arctic Norway jail slipped out of custody - literally - by stripping naked, smearing himself with vegetable oil and sliding through the prison bars, police said Wednesday.
中文: 警方周三透露说,位于北极圈的一家挪威监狱里有名涉嫌偷盗的立陶宛裔人从监狱中“溜”了出来--他脱光衣服,用植物油涂满全身,顺监狱的栏杆“溜”了出去。
英文: A man who said he bought a device that let him change traffic lights from red to green has received a $50 ticket on suspicion of interfering with a traffic signal.
中文: 日前,美国一名男子因偷偷使用改变交通灯信号灯的装置,被指控涉嫌妨碍交通信号并被处以50美元的罚款。
英文: According to senior officials, a growing band of men wanted on suspicion of planning suicide bombings and murdering settlers is being sheltered in the compound, known as the Mukata.
中文: 据一些高级官员称,越来越多的涉嫌自杀性爆炸和杀害定居点居民的通缉犯,正躲藏在这座名为‘姆垥塔’的房子里。
英文: “Officers spoke with the driver and ***sequently arrested the 24-year-old man on suspicion of drink driving.
中文: “警察与开车人谈了话,随后带走了这名24岁的男子,怀疑他酒后驾车。