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on stream

进行生产\n【经】 投产, 在产, 在流转中

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英文: A comparison of the result from stream sediment survey with that from grid soil survey or chipping rock survey indicates that in the forest and swamp landscape of Da Hinggan Mountains, the tradition stream survey should be replaced by the new grid soil su

中文: 摘要通过对水系的不同介质测量与网格法土壤、岩屑测量结果的研究,提出在大兴安岭森林沼泽区异常查证中,应采用网格法土壤或岩屑测量替代传统的五分之一万水系沉积物测量方法。        更详细...
英文: By using the AR(1) process to describe the consumption stream in China,this paper re-estimates the welfare cost of business cycles and reduced growth.The main findings of this paper is the positive correlation between the welfare cost of business cycle an

中文: 使用一阶自回归随机过程来描述中国的消费波动,并重新估算经济波动福利成本和经济增长福利成本,研究结果表明,经济波动的福利成本和消费波动的可预测性是正相关的,并且在一阶自回归假设条件下计算出的福利成本略低于独立同分布情形。        更详细...
英文: DALE lonizing Air Blowers are the static elimination devices which deliver ion stream to meutralize wide forcused areas ,Their fiatures are quickly nertralizes static charges ,build-in imitter cleaner adjustable speed control for pressence of ionization,i

中文: 迪尔离子风机,可提供平衡离子气流的宽范围集中区域的离子消除器,其特点是快速中和静电;设有离了发射针清洁器;可连续调节风速,离子产生指示器,内置的风机和电源供应器。        更详细...
英文: Habitat and Ecology: In broadleaved evergreen forest on stream banks. Flowering: July-Aug.; fruiting: Oct.-Nov. of the following year.

中文: 生境与生态:生长于海拔400米以下的溪谷两岸常绿阔叶林中。花期:7-8月;果期:次年10-11月。        更详细...
英文: If the amount of positive and negative charges is varied, the electron stream can be made to bend up or down in varying amounts.

中文: 如果正负电荷的量发生变化,电子流上下弯曲的程度也随之变化。        更详细...

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