英文: A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested eligible bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of (amount).
中文: 有兴趣的合格投标者可向上述地址提出书面申请并交付一笔不可退用的金额,即可购买一整套投标文件资料。
英文: Article 26. The tenderer shall pay a deposit for bidding documents upon receipt of such documents.
中文: 第二十六条投标单位领取招标文件时,须按规定交纳投标保证金。
英文: Fig5. Use wove papers for project bidding documents to produce historical complex and responsibility as viewing Tang Dynasty Scrolls.
中文: 图五:项目答标书请使用厚厚的布纹纸,务必使阅读者产生欣赏唐代卷轴的历史厚重感和责任心。
英文: Place for selling the Documents: Tendering Agent's office. Deadline for submitting bidding documents and date of bid opening (Beijing time): 10:00 Bid after the deadline will be rejected.
中文: 投标截止时间及开标时间:2005年8月12日上午10.00时(北京时间),逾期送达,恕不接纳,投标人代表自愿出席开标会。
英文: Should the Bid Evaluation Committee believe that none of the bidding documents have responded to the requirements of the tender documents to the utmost extent after reviewing, while there is not enough time for re-tender, upon agreement by the bec, the co
中文: 经评标委员会评审,认为各投标文件未最大程度响应招标文件要求,重新招标时间又不允许的,经评标委员会同意,评委可以以记名投票方式,按自然多数票产生3名或3名以上投标人进行方案优化设计。