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private law

【经】 私法

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英文: Abstract: Public law lies in the public right relationship and private law lies in the p rivate right relationship.

中文: 文摘:因公共利益而发生的社会关系属公权关系,因个人利益而发生的关系属私权关系。        更详细...
英文: After that, the issue from the international treaty law and the international private law is emphasized and the conclusion is that the court must hear the cases strictly in accordance with the governing law which is directed by the conflict rules in the r

中文: 最后得出结论:在我国船舶油污民事赔偿责任案件的审理过程中,法院应严格根据我国相关法律中的冲突规范指引找到正确适用的准据法,并应严格适用该准据法审理案件。        更详细...
英文: And the academic monopolization resulted in the scarcity of the private law relief for self-governance.

中文: 公法学科对村民自治的垄断直接导致村民自治权利司法救济资源的缺失。        更详细...
英文: Article 16 The preceding article is applicable mutatis mutandis to acts in breach of duty under administrative law committed by any unincorporated body having a representative or manager or of other private law organizations other than juristic persons.

中文: 第16条前条之规定,于设有代表人或管理人之非法人团体,或法人以外之其他私法组织,违反行政法上义务者,准用之。        更详细...
英文: It is possible to follow the classification of unilateral contract and bilateral contract in private law and clarify the administrative contracts in the same way, and further make clear the specific forms of these two categories of contracts.

中文: 可借鉴私法上关于“单务契约”与“双务契约”的分类,将行政契约作出同样的类型划分,并在此基础上明晰两类契约中的若干表现形态。        更详细...

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