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英文: A decision in favour of aggrieved investors would greatly increase the number of companies on which trial lawyers could train their sights.

中文: 一项对利益受损的投资者们表示支持的决议将大大增加辩护律师能够出庭为其辩护的公司数量。        更详细...
英文: Admission has nothing to do with being an athlete, or a child of an alumnus, or having an influential sponsor, or being a member of a particularly aggrieved ethnic group—criteria that are increasingly important at America's elite colleges.

中文: 批准与否跟学生是不是一名运动员,或者是不是校友子弟,或者有没有颇具影响力的后台,或者是不是某个爱打抱不平的民族社团成员,都毫无干系——而这些在美国的知名学府中已经日益成为重要标准。        更详细...
英文: And in Petits Freres, he concentrates on Talia (Stéphanie Touly), a 13-year-old girl adrift with other adolescents in a housing project in a poor suburb of Paris, aggrieved when her playmates steal the gentle pit bull she is raising as a pet and sells the

中文: 在《小兄弟》中,他专注于塔里娅(史蒂芬妮·桃丽),这个13岁的小女孩和其他青少年一起游荡在巴黎一个贫穷郊区的住宅区,同伴偷了她当宠物养的一头温顺的斗牛狗并卖给斗狗的人是她心痛不已。        更详细...
英文: Article 122 Election of Remedy in Tort or in Contract Where a party's breach harmed the personal or property interests of the other party, the aggrieved party is entitled to elect to hold the party liable for breach of contract in accordance herewith, or

中文: 第一百二十二条因当事人一方的违约行为,侵害对方人身、财产权益的,受损害方有权选择依照本法要求其承担违约责任或者依照其他法律要求其承担侵权责任。        更详细...
英文: Article 2 If a state organ or a member of its personnel, when exercising functions and powers in violation of the law, infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, legal person or other organization and causes damages the aggrieved person

中文: 第二条国家机关和国家机关工作人员违法行使职权侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,受害人有依照本法取得国家赔偿的权利。        更详细...

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