英文: [Abstract] The legal right to terminate (avoid) contracts is a remedy for breach of contract provided by laws available by the non-breaching party when it suffers great losses due to the breach.
中文: 合同法定解除权是法律赋予非违约方在其自身利益遭受违约方行为严重损害时得以采取的一种违约救济措施。
英文: [bbe] And in fear men make public the works of God; and giving thought to his acts they get wisdom.
中文: 众人都要害怕,要传扬神的工作,并且明白他的作为。
英文: [bbe] And she said to the king, The account which was given to me in my country of your acts and your wisdom was true.
中文: 对王说:我在本国里所听见论到你的事和你的智慧实在是真的!
英文: [bbe] Has God ever before taken a nation for himself from out of another nation, by punishments and signs and wonders, by war and by a strong hand and a stretched-out arm and great acts of wonder and fear, as the Lord your God did for you in Egypt, before
中文: 神何曾从别的国中将一国的人民领出来、用试验、神迹、奇事、争战、大能的手、和伸出来的膀臂、并大可畏的事、像耶和华你们的神在埃及、在你们眼前为你们所行的一切事呢。
英文: [bbe] So among the last acts of David was the numbering of the sons of Levi, from twenty years old and over.
中文: 照著大卫临终所吩咐的,利未人从二十岁以外的都被数点。