英文: After hearing of opposition reluctance to convene an extraordinary session, Minister of Economic Affairs He Mei-yue hurried to the Legislature at noon Wednesday to shore up her support within the DPP.
中文: 立法院九月份就要开议,在野党反对八月底前召开临时会的态度强硬,经济部长何美玥听到后很著急,赶在中午拜会民进党团争取支持。
英文: Article 27 The competent department in charge of comprehensive administration of economic affairs under the State Council shall, jointly with other relevant departments under the State Council, organize the research, development and dissemination of the p
中文: 第二十七条国务院经济综合主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门组织研究、开发和推广减少工业固体废物产生量的生产工艺和设备,公布限期淘汰产生严重污染环境的工业固体废物的落后生产工艺、落后设备的名录。
英文: That classic Taoist quoted in Putonghua by the Swiss Federal Councilor and head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs reflects how eager the Swiss government is to attract Chinese companies to a country “that is neutral…but far from flavorless”.
中文: 那句来自瑞士联邦议员兼联邦经济事务部领导用普通话说出的老子明言反映出瑞士政府对吸引中国企业到瑞士-中立而不失吸引力的国家-投资的重视。