英文: A:Well, we may try some career counseling sessions to help us get over it.
中文: 恩,我们可以试试一些事业谘询的活动,帮忙我忙度过这个时期。
英文: The career counseling originates in the US, where the free market economy enables people to enjoy the freedom of job selection and social insurance, and the well developed economy provides with the vocational education and career counseling so as to promo
中文: 摘要“生涯辅导”的理念源自美国,它有其适存的西方土壤,包括:自由的市场经济条件下的人才流动机制与社会保障机制;发达的经济支持下的完善的职业教育、就业指导体系以及“个人主义”和“实用主义”两大价值体系。