英文: Foreign investors looking at China often swoon at the country's vast potential but are driven mad by its conflicting and heavy-handed policies.
中文: 国外投资者在看中国时往往会着迷于这个国家巨大的潜力,但往往接着要被许许多多互相抵触的铁腕政策弄得头疼。
英文: H:Tell me more of your diabolical scheme,so that I can swoon at your manly evilness.
中文: 再多告诉我一些你那些恶魔般的阴谋,让我陶醉在你那男性的邪恶魅力中吧。
英文: In that day the beautiful virgins and the young men Will swoon because of thirst.
中文: 13当那日,美貌的处女和少年的男子,必因干渴发昏。
英文: Mine eyes do fail with tears, my bowels are troubled, my liver is poured upon the earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people; because the children and the sucklings swoon in the streets of the city.
中文: 11我眼中流泪,以致失明,我的心肠扰乱,肝胆涂地,都因我众民遭毁灭,又因孩童和吃奶的在城内街上发昏。
英文: The beggar fell down in a swoon from sheer hunger.
中文: 那个乞丐饿得晕倒了。