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H:Tell me more of your diabolical scheme,so that I can swoon at your manly evilness.

H:Ahhhhhhh, Ninja vs. Pirate, the age-old debate. 啊啊啊啊,忍者对海盗,古老的争论话题。
H:Diamonds ARE a girl's best friend. 钻石才是女孩的最好朋友呀!
H:Heh, yeah, you caught me. I like spreading them out and sleeping on them, like a big treasure horde. I'm actually half-dragon, you know. 嘿,被你发现了。我喜欢把它们都铺开,躺在上面睡觉,就像一个巨大的宝库。我实际上是个半龙,你知道的。
H:I'm sure it's just the boys eavesdropping and misinterpreting our conversation about these two gemstones (that my mother gave me)for something dirty. 我很确定,肯定是那些男生刚刚正在偷听我们的谈话,并且把这两颗(我妈妈留给我的)宝石误解成了什么下流的意思。
H:Oh,hold still,I'll get it. 噢,别动,我把它弄出来。
H:Tell me more of your diabolical scheme,so that I can swoon at your manly evilness. 再多告诉我一些你那些恶魔般的阴谋,让我陶醉在你那男性的邪恶魅力中吧。
H:Wow.That's really impressive. 哇哦,真的很吸引人。
H:Yeah, well, the shops in this little town are strictly second-rate. I'm waiting until we get back to the city. 哦,是啊,这个小镇子的商店实际上都蛮二流的。我要等到咱们回到大城市再说。
H:Yeah,it's so complicated,with the sun and the moon and all that stuff. 是呀,这太复杂了,有太阳有月亮还有别的东西。
H:u speak a war as a game,but how many wives wait troy gives their husbands they never see again. 赫:你谈论打仗就像它是游戏,但是多少妻子等着特洛伊带回她们再也见不着的丈夫。
H?rmann has been serving the Chinese market since early 1990’s and has established a large-scale integrated plant at Business Development Area of Beijing in 1998. 德国霍曼集团于九十年代初进入中国市场,并于1998年正式在北京经济技术开发区设立了大型综合工厂。

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