英文: A survey through stratified clustered sampling with 86 youth with mental retardation was conducted by a well-developed and reliable General Transition Skills Inventory.
中文: 采用调查研究法,以台湾中部地区高职特殊教育学校(班)学生为研究探讨对象,采分层抽样方式,抽取86位现于台中与彰化就读高职三年级之智能障碍学生。
英文: Floret 1. An individual small flower of a clustered inflorescence, e.g. daisy (Bellis).
中文: 小花:1.簇集花序上独立的小花,如雏菊。
英文: All sequences were assembled and clustered into ,9 contigs and , singletons by the EST Analysis Pipeline System? Program and total ,0 7 Unigenes were obtained, among which 7 .9% are singletons.
中文: 通过EST Analysis Pipeline SystemTM Program对9,条有效EST进行序列拼接和组装,得到,9个重叠群(Contigs)和 ,个单拷贝EST(Singletons),共计获得,0 7个独立基因(Unigenes),其中单拷贝基因占到7 .9%。
英文: All of the isolates and reference strains studied were divided into 8 phena at the similarity of 8% for the fast or moderately growing bacteria and 87.% for the slow growing ones. Phenon , , and 7 were clustered together with the reference strains of A.
中文: 数值分类聚类结果在8%~87.%的相似性水平上将供试菌株分为8个群,群、群、群和群7分别与A.
英文: Fifty Contigs and 9 singletons were clustered by CAP application.
中文: CAP 聚类结果获得0个Contigs和 9个独立的ESTs。