英文: Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.
中文: 太10:29两个麻雀、不是卖一分银子麽.若是你们的父不许、一个也不能掉在地上。
英文: As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow.
中文: "当这个人走近时,战俘猛地一拳将他打翻在地。"
英文: A swoop of six arrives on motionless wing from their roost site in a nearby river, drop lightly to the ground amid the others, and lower their heads to pluck the scattered corn, flashing their brilliant caps of crimson like blood on snow.
中文: 六只丹顶鹤从附近河中的巢址翩然而至,轻盈地在其它鹤群之间落地,低头啄食四散的谷粒,露出一顶顶艳红色的头冠,一如雪中之血。
英文: A warning signal alerting the crew that the plane was too close to the ground was set off.
中文: 地面发出了警告信号,警告机组人员飞机离地面太近。
英文: A week later, I strolled down to the ground floor( ground zero for me) and unearthed my test from the heaps of exams.
中文: 一个星期后,我闲逛到了一楼(对我来说是零楼就象我的分数)从试卷堆里挖出了我的那一份。