英文: A romantic thriller about a cop who falls in love with a prime suspect in a murder case.
中文: 在这部浪漫悬疑片里,一个女警爱上谋杀案的头号嫌疑犯。
英文: Abstract: A new algorithm W-ECOP is presented to effect incremental changes on a standard cell layout automatically.This algorithm deals with cell inserting and cell moving based on rows instead of on cells as most placement algorithms usually do.An integ
中文: 文摘:提出了一种新的增量式布局方法W-ECOP来满足快速调整布局方案的要求.与以前的以单元为中心的算法不同,算法基于单元行划分来进行单元的插入和位置调整,在此过程中使对原布局方案的影响最小,并且尽可能优化线长.一组从美国工业界的测试例子表明,该算法运行速度快,调整后的布局效果好.
英文: All is involved in QC: all is involved in QC by means of establishing “Quality Policy Guide Committee” and “Improvement Group”; encouraging all high/medium level management involve in process reform, and by means of training (including the COP and ISO rel
中文: 全员参与质量管理:通过成立“质量策导委员会”及“改善小组”﹐与高﹑中层管理人员共同参与流程改造﹐且通过不断的培训(包括COP﹑ISO相关培训﹑岗位培训及班﹑组长现场改善能力的培训)﹐达到全员参与。
英文: Anyone who wants a cop of hot tea must be prepared to fight to get it.
中文: 谁要是想喝一杯热茶的话,那就得要费一番劲。
英文: “Little Ye, the road junction where that traffic cop died is just ahead. You've heard of it, haven't you?
中文: “小叶啊,前面就是前段时间那个交警牺牲的路口。那件事情你听说了吧?”