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“Little Ye, the road junction where that traffic cop died is just ahead. You've heard of it, haven't you?

“Limit your children's recreational screen time to fewer than two hours a day. 把孩子面对显示屏娱乐的时间限制在一天2小时以内。
“Linde Cup” is a fair competition. 此次比赛是公平、公正、公开的。
“Lippi gave me a lot of useful advice. When he talked about me it was very moving, as I never thought such a great Coach could single me out. 里皮给了我很多有用的建议.当他赞扬我的时候,我觉得非常感动,因为从来没有一位如此伟大的教练对我有这么高评价.
“Listen to this, William,” Lincoln said. “See how you think it sounds.” Lincoln then read aloud the short speech he had written. “你听听这个,”威廉林肯说。“看你听了觉得怎么样。”林肯把写好的那篇短短的演讲稿大声地念给他听。
“Listen,” Chavel implored them. He held out the slip of paper and they all watched him with compassionate curiosity. “I'll give a hundred thousand francs to anyone who'll take this. “听我说,”查维尔一边哀求,一边举起那张纸条。大家既惊奇又好奇地看着他。“谁接受这张纸条,我就给他10万法郎。”
“Little Ye, the road junction where that traffic cop died is just ahead. You've heard of it, haven't you? “小叶啊,前面就是前段时间那个交警牺牲的路口。那件事情你听说了吧?”
“Little wonder that throughout the ages there has been a popular cry to redistribute wealth,” he continues. “The problem is that socialism and communism just haven't worked, and of course, they never will. “在各个年代早已有呼声希望财富重新分配的奇迹出现,”他继续:“这个难题在社会主义和共产主义社会正好可以避免,当然,他们从没这必要。
“Lofty”Conference Series meets different need of meeting space.The succinct and decent design makis you feel relaxed at a uptight meeting. 会议系列满足各种会议空间,简洁大方,使你在紧匕的会议氛围中拥有轻松的心境。
“Lofty”President Series enjoys a modem\tridimensional and succinct but not simple design style,wich meets the trend of making the administrants more younger. 总裁系列现代、质感、简约而不简单;完全符合公司管理层逐渐年轻化的趋势。
“Logical disjunction, as we define it here, is the inclusive OR operation. 我的翻译是:“我们在这里定义的逻辑析取是包涵或。
“Long before they reached their teens they were earning their keep” (J.M. Barrie). “当他们长到远不到青少年的时候,就在赚钱维持生活了”(J.M.巴里)。

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