英文: At the left, dark vulvar skin leads to vagina and to cervix in the center, where an irregular tan tumor mass is seen infiltrating upward to the bladder.
中文: 图左示外阴(皮肤色深)、阴道,图中示宫颈肿瘤,一不规则褐色肿物,向下浸润至膀胱。
英文: Now the urethral tissue has been trimmed, and has been brought through the lower incision in the vulva, creating the new urethral meatus.
中文: 现在尿道的组织已经修整好,并且从会阴上较低的那个开口拉出来,开辟成一个新的泌尿管道。
英文: On the physical examination, several skin colored to brownish soft papules were observed on the right vulva.
中文: 理学检查发现在病人右侧大阴唇有数个肤色至棕色的柔软丘疹。
英文: [Left: Female (Venus? Hand mirror? Vulva?
中文: 左:女性(维纳斯?手镜?阴户?)
英文: 【Serviceable Range】It refers to vaginal looseness, vaginal abnormal flavor, leucorrhea with red and white discharge, senile vaginitis, trichomonal vaginitis, colpomycosis, pruritus vulvae, pelvic inflammation, endometritis, appendagitis, cervical erosion,
中文: 适用于阴道松弛、阴道异味、赤白带下、老年性阴道炎、滴虫阴道炎、霉菌性阴道炎、外阴瘙痒、盆腔炎、子宫内膜炎、附件炎、宫颈糜烂、子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿、息肉、月经不调、痛经不适、分泌物过多,宫颈炎、支原体感染,内分泌失调以及这些疾病引起的下腹疼痛、月经不调、痛经、外阴瘙痒、白带异味、面色灰暗黄褐斑等。