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At the left, dark vulvar skin leads to vagina and to cervix in the center, where an irregular tan tumor mass is seen infiltrating upward to the bladder.

At the last, the authors suggest we should improve the technique of traditional craft, should run the traditional craft as industry program by the modern model and carry out industrialization strategy to clearing up the developing predicament of tradition 作者主张用现代的管理模式运作传统工艺产业,技术进化传统工艺制作,以产业化的科学发展战略来消解传统工艺发展面临的困境。
At the late stage of oilfield development sedimentary microfacies in the reservoir is the major geologic factor controlling the remaining oil distribution, the reservoir physical property is poor between sandbodies, which determines the difference of rese 摘要油田开发后期,储层沉积微相是控制剩余油分布的主要地质因素之一,微相砂体间储层物性的差异,决定了储量动用程度的差别。
At the lateral movements the pace should remain free and regular, maintaining a constant impulsion, yet it must be supple, cadenced and balanced. 在侧方运动时,仍然要保持步伐自由与规律,始终保持前进气势,而且要柔韧灵活、富有节奏、平衡良好。
At the latest fashion show, newly-designed winter clothes in a wide range of colors and styles attracted everyone present. 在最近的时装展览会上,新设计的多种多样色彩和款式的冬装吸引了在场的每一个人。
At the latest round of talks held in late December in Beijing, the parties failed to make major progress but agreed to have another session as soon as possible. 2003年举行了第一轮谈判,最近一轮谈判是去年12月在北京举行的,各方没能取得实质进展,但一直同意尽快举行其他会议来解决问题。
At the left, dark vulvar skin leads to vagina and to cervix in the center, where an irregular tan tumor mass is seen infiltrating upward to the bladder. 图左示外阴(皮肤色深)、阴道,图中示宫颈肿瘤,一不规则褐色肿物,向下浸润至膀胱。
At the less cuddly end of the spectrum BCIB foundmorethan 250 poisonous snakes and 50 mrs of the crocodilefamily. 此外,BCIB在调查中还发现了250多条毒蛇和50多只鳄鱼。
At the low resolution, a region-based Gaussian noise model is applied to analyze the echocardiographic images and combined with a geodesic contour model for the pre-segmentation, while the combinative model is competent to accurately and automatically ext 提出了基于数学形态学算子的尺度间快速解传递方法,该方法不需要进行插值运算,避免了常规方法效率低的问题。
At the lower end of the esophagus (which has been turned inside out at autopsy) are linear dark blue submucosal dilated veins known as varices. 食管下末段(尸解时已经把食管从里面翻出来)线状排列着深兰色的黏膜下层较宽的纹理称为静脉曲张。
At the lower part of emergency generator fuel oil tank there is oil fence, auxiliary engine daily service tank has oil pan. 4应急发电机组燃油柜下面设置围油栏,辅机日用油柜设置油盘。
At the market; at our destination. 在市场;在我们的目的地

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