英文: E-business software interacts with a wide variety of existing back office systems,including database,accounting,and ERP systems.
中文: 企业级电子商务解决方案应该能够与ERP或现有会计系统密切整合,保持商务活动与资金流的同步。
英文: In addition to external clients, our BPO delivery center in Dalian also serve as an internal shared service center to back up our back office operation in Asia Pacific, including Accenture Technology Infrastructure Services, Business Operation, Facilities
中文: 除为外部客户提供服务之外,我们在大连的业务流程外包交付中心同时还兼具内部共享服务中心的功能,以支持埃森哲在亚太地区的后台办公职能,包括技术基础设施服务、业务运营、设施与后勤服务、财务、人力资源、市场和公关、知识管理和研究等等。