英文: But then I look back on it now, and I think about (how) what I went through has taught me a tremendous amount about life.
中文: “现在我回过头来看看,感觉到所经历的教给我的东西太丰富了。
英文: I think my most emotional moment was being told that I was going to play for Milan back on January 20, 1985 in Udinese, but I would say my greatest moment was winning the (UEFA) Champions League in Manchester.
中文: “我想我最激动的时刻是1985年的1月20日被告之将要代表米兰俱乐部参加对乌迪内斯比赛,但是我自我感觉最好的是在曼彻斯特我赢得联盟杯的时候。”
英文: I won't ever forgive my older brother——he turned his back on me and refused to lend me any money when I lost my job.
中文: 这人说:“我永远也不会原谅我的大哥哥。当我失去我的工作的时候,他根本不肯帮忙,一点钱都不愿意借给我。”
英文: If there's something we can do to help them get their lives back on track, that would be wonderful,Carter-Scott said.
中文: 卡特-斯科特女士说道:“如果我们可以尽自己所能帮助他们重回生活正轨,那是最好不过了。”
英文: We plan to come back on the same day next year and try for a baby and the prize nine months later,she said.
中文: “我们打算明年的这一天再回来,想九个月后生个宝宝、拿个奖。”