英文: 1 Please take a photograph of me in front of the Merlion.
中文: 请在鱼尾狮塑像前为我拍一张照片.
英文: 1 Your spouse or long term unmarried partner (see definition in paragraph below) and dependant children under the age of 18 may apply to accompany you or to join you in the UK.
中文: 1你的配偶或长期的独身的伴侣(定义在下面)和不到18岁的孩子可以申请伴随你或在英国加入你。
英文: [b]Work Surface[/b]: I use a sheet of clear acrylic under which I put a large sheet of graph paper which guides me when cutting canes or sheets of clay to size.
中文: 工作面板:我使用一张丙烯酸材料的垫板,在其下我放了一大张坐标纸,它可以帮助我按照切割软陶泥。
英文: “Significant meritorious service” refers to a service within the scope specified in the preceding paragraph that is of especially great help to the State security work.
中文: 重大立功表现,是指在前款所列立功表现的范围内对国家安全工作有特别重要作用的。
英文: (Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph and the following two paragra
中文: 允许为任何目的使用,拷贝,修改和分发这个软件和它的文档而不收取任何费用,并且无须签署因此而产生的证明,前提是上面的版权声明和本段以及下面两段文字出现在所有拷贝中。