英文: A well-thought-out organization helps the reader (programmer) understand the book (program).
中文: 一个思虑缜密的组织方法可以帮助读者(程序员)更好地理解这本书(程序)。
英文: Community consciousness and collective identity are realized by means of a well thought-out system of hands-on local self-governance, therein not only advancing the quality of Swedes lives and residential conditions but stimulating Swedes active concern f
中文: 社区意识、住民认同,都在细致的地方自治实践中落实,不但提高了瑞典人民生活与居住的品质,也促使瑞典人对公领域的关切。
英文: Future is unknown for many enterprises; however, Hengfengtai weaving limited Company has a thought-out plan to cope with whatever may arise.
中文: 未来,对于很多企业来说还是未知数,对于恒丰泰已是成竹在胸的事。
英文: He was known for his exuberance in life, as well as on the stage, and for his carefully thought-out performance of his roles.
中文: 生活中的他以其活力充沛及精力旺盛而闻名于世,当然在舞台上更是如此,并且每次为他所要演绎得角色作必要的沉思默想。
英文: If you should ever pass a tree, wall or pillar with what looks like a badly thought-out company logo stuck to it, take a picture with your cellphone.
中文: 当你走在街上﹐看到树上、墙壁上或柱子上贴著一个类似于设计得很蹩脚的公司标志的东西时﹐举起你的手机摄像头﹐把它拍下来。