英文: Best Award for his spouse flowering tree: Jiang Wen Li repeated exposure in the media, and her husband, who own the beginning of the scandal, continues in various television channels pushing sales of hardcover Ascot infant formula, humiliation, mental com
中文: 在媒体一再曝光自己老公和张静初的绯闻后,依然每天在各个电视频道大力促销雅士力精装婴幼儿奶粉,忍辱负重,精神可嘉,特发此奖,以示鼓励。
英文: Last I knew,said the American, the Scot was huggling price, and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay.
中文: “我离开之前,”那名美国人说,“我看见英格兰人正在砍价,而那名加拿大人正在分辩说应该由他的政府来出这笔钱。”
英文: Makelele and Owen Hargreaves,the Scot reportedly replied when asked which players he would most like to purchase.
中文: 据传弗格森被问及最想引进的球员时,这位苏格兰人是这样回答的:“马克莱莱和欧文.哈格里夫斯”。
英文: 1711 The fist Royal Ascot house race meeting took place-attended by Queen Anne.
中文: 英国举行第一届皇家阿斯科赛马盛会,安妮女王出席观看了比赛。
英文: A friend calls long distance to tell me that the apricot tree in her backyard has buds. She thought it died. Spring is here, she says joyfully.
中文: 接到远方朋友打来的电话,告诉我她家后院一株本以为枯萎的杏树,居然发出青芽,她喜孜孜地说,春天是真的来了,她好喜欢。