英文: 2 MAY 2007 | WASHINGTON/GENEVA -- WHO is today launching Nine patient safety solutionsto help reduce the toll of health care-related harm affecting millions of patients worldwide.
中文: WHO今天启动了“病人安全九项措施”,以减少全球范围内的医疗伤害应起的死亡人数。
英文: 933D has dual function of tweezers and soldering pen. Tweezers is used for soldering tiny component in a dense circuit board to avoid affecting the components nearby.
中文: 933D有镊子及烙铁双功能,镊子适合焊接密集线路板上的细小组件,絶不泱及附近组件。
英文: A chronic, progressive pathological condition, mainly affecting the nervous and digestive systems, caused by the excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol.
中文: 酒精中毒由过量及习惯性饮酒而造成的一种慢性渐进的病理状况,主要影响神经及消化系统
英文: A condition affecting the body's circadian clock, similar to jet lag, but instead stemming from altering one's sleep hours over a weekend of hard partying and drinking rather than from a long flight.
中文: 一种影响生物钟的状态,类似与时差,却与时差概念相去甚远,特指在周末一夜狂欢后,大补瞌睡以后以调整工作日不打瞌睡的状态.
英文: A major concern investors have about unsecured corporate bonds, no matter how highly rated, is that the rating agencies will downgrade them because of some disruptive event affecting the issuer.
中文: 投资者对于没有保证的公司债券的主要担心在于,不论现在的评级有多高,一旦发生对发行人产生严重影响的事件,评级机构将调低其评级。