英文: If you drink a great amount of alcohol on one occasion, at least once a month, the risk of dementia is three times higher (than in someone who does not regularly consume the equivalent of a bottle of wine in a single drinking session), even if you are sob
中文: 研究作者之一、芬兰西南部土库大学神经病学家莱尼说,“如果你一次喝大量的酒,一个月至少一次,罹患痴呆的危险是3倍高(与1位没有定期1次喝下1瓶酒的人相比较),即使你在2次喝酒的中间是清醒的。”
英文: There's been a historical tendency for general negativity about dementia and what can be done about it, but that's now out of step with the science,Dr Burke said.
中文: 伯克说,“历史上人们普遍对痴呆不抱希望,认为对此无能为力,但现在借助科学的力量,情况已大不相同了。”
英文: 2A new Swedish study estimated the direct costs of Alzheimer's disease and dementia care worldwide in two thousand three.
中文: 一种新的瑞士研究估计正研究当到2003年时用于阿尔茨海默氏病和全球范围内治疗痴呆的直接费用。
英文: A new Swedish study estimated the direct costs of Alzheimer's disease and dementia care worldwide in two thousand three.
中文: 一个新的瑞典研究估计,阿尔茨海默氏病和痴呆的直接消费将于2003年引起全世界的关注。
英文: After Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia is the second leading cause of senile dementia.
中文: 紧随阿耳茨海默氏病之后,血管性痴呆是导致老年性痴呆症的第二大原因。